

The ultimate list of articles on the JavaScript frameworks to learn in 2018

/ Opinion

Another clickbait title from yours truly. But you already got here, so stick around. This is all over the Internet! Which JavaScript frameworks should you learn in 2018? Top JavaScript Frameworks & Topics to Learn in 2017 Best JavaScript Frameworks To Learn in 2017 Top JavaScript Libraries & Tech to Learn in 2018 I’m so confused, what JS framework should I learn? Top JavaScript Frameworks & Topics to Learn in 2017

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Monoliths are bad and so are microservices!

/ Software Architecture

They’re not! They’re just different ways to solve a problem. Yes, you fell for the clickbait title! But you’re already here, so why not read on? Here’s an important question: Are microservices better than monoliths? Consultant answer: — It depends. The answer depends mostly on who you ask. If you ask someone solving problems with microservices, they’ll probably answer “YES”. If you ask someone working with monoliths, well, it depends whether they know about microservices or not.

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How I reduced the bounce rate on my GatsbyJS website

/ Videos / Software Development

Watch this video if you want to know how I implemented a related articles section on my GatsbyJS blog. I had an ugly bounce rate on this website, and the first step towards reducing it was to offer users more articles they can read, after going through the article they initially landed on. This article will be updated in the near future, and I will also go in detail about the reason I decided to implement this and what is the benefit of offering users more articles they can go through while they’re on your site.

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🔧 Make your Swagger configuration files dynamic using Node.js

/ Software Development / Videos

I got the idea for this article after solving this problem for the team I was working with, for a client. So, what’s the problem? After wrapping up work on a Swagger configuration file, and successfully generating a client JavaScript library to consume the API, we ended up with the following problem: how do we make sure that we’re able to generate the client library and use the proper environment URL, so that we don’t end up calling UAT endpoints from production, or the other way around.

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How I built a product that failed and won

It was almost a year ago that I started building a self-destructing tweets app, just like Snapchat’s snaps… … and nobody used it. The not-so-short intro In 2017 I set out to create a self-destructing tweets application. Nothing impressive but it helped me learn a lot of things. First, I set out to design it all by myself — failed miserably. At that point I reluctantly decided that the best thing to do is to use a ready-made theme.

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How to test Node.js modules installed from NPM locally

/ Videos / JavaScript

I’m surprised by the number of people who think you can install modules from npm only in your project’s folder, and only if you have package.json. This is why I decided to create a short video describing my way of testing modules from NPM before bringing them into my application, without having to wait for livereload, builds and other tools to run, before I can see some relevant output. Enjoy!

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How to get the real type of any JavaScript variable

/ Videos / JavaScript

This weekend I published a short article talking about how to create a CSV using template strings in Node.js. I posted the link on Reddit and a couple of more places and the general feedback was something along the lines of “great article but the most interesting part is that type checking thing”. I decided to record a short screencast, this morning, to detail how that code works and what you could use that function for.

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Why do data scientists use Sklearn's StandardScaler and what does it do?

/ Machine Learning / JavaScript

Been doing some Machine Learning “learning” in the past two weeks. I’m interested in learning to use TensorFlow.js at a decent level and solve a personal problem — software estimation and road-mapping, for the teams I work with. This has led me down the darkest alleys of Machine Learning blogs. Most of the relevant material I found uses TensorFlow but with Python. I understand why data scientists choose Python over other languages.

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How to create a CSV using template strings in Node.js

I recently had to create a CSV from some data returned by the Jira API. Went on the Internets to find a module on NPM that would do the job. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find a single module that would perform only that simple task. We were already using a module to generate Excel exports, inside the application, but it was generating XLSX files. It also looked like it has a funky license, so I decided to drop it altogether.

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What is your story of going from zero to hero and changing your life completely in the face of failure?

/ Opinion

I saw an answer request for the following question, on Quora. What is your story of going from zero to hero, and changing your life completely in the face of faliure? I though about it for a while. It seemed shallow. Someone was looking for nice stories to feed their procrastinating, motivation-searching, lazy ego. Then I thought some more. I remembered something Jordan Peterson mentioned, related to Carl Jung : If you can’t figure out a person’s motivations from the conversation, look at the outcome and infer their motivations.

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